Saturday, August 3, 2013


Been busy again. Have completed three bags.

First: another Zippidy Doo Da bag, this time using pastel colored zippers. I have to admit that this is my favorite. It's time consuming to  make, but so worth it. It's really a fun, good-looking bag. Lots of pockets inside.

Next, my go at a little romance. I used vintage doilies, lace and button, along with a flower I made from a man's suit coat. I then built around the motif to make the bag a reasonable size. I do believe I have succeeded in the romance department with this one, plus it's practical with four roomy pockets inside. Gotta love it. Here's a close-up of the insert.

Finally a quickie tote. I found a wonderful table runner that begged to go home with me and morph into a Yayamade bag. I had to do it. It was only a dollar. It's a basic lined tote with a hint of patriotism, only with a pink tinge. Pink, white and blue. How fun is that!

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