Saturday, May 11, 2013

Whoa, Nellie!

Okay. OVER a year since I last blogged. So sad. I've been thinking: I spend way too much time surfing the web instead of contributing to it. Besides sucking the time out of my life, it sucks the life out of me. No productivity. No good feelings of accomplishment.

No, I've not been depressed. It's just way too easy to get on the net and Pinterest or Facebook my life away. Both fun sites. Both way too easy to stay on and get nothing else done. They're like the candy and magazine displays at the checkout.

It's time to break the cycle. I'm thinking egg timer. Set that puppy for 15 minutes or so, and when it dings, that's it. Off the site I go and back into the studio to create wonderful things.

So, here we go, F&F (Family and Friends -- or -- Friends and Family -- whatever you feel more comfortable with), time's a-wastin'.

Besides all this deep thought, I also have some GOOD NEWS. Perhaps -- not perhaps -- for sure, that's what has inspired me to be more inspiring and get off my net.  Ready? Interest peaked? or is that piqued? Anyway:

I submitted three of my YAYAMADE items to GREENCRAFT magazine -- Tote-A-Tee, both regular and messenger styles; Milk Money, several pieces; and VesTote, two or three.  I received an email this week that VesTote will be included in the gallery section of the August issue.  I AM SOOOOOOO EXCITED. 

Now, keeping things in perspective, the gallery section is like the honorable mention section, where you get a page or half-page for a picture of your item and a brief write-up. But to me -- I'm so freaking excited! I'm going to be published!

So, I was thinking, why don't I get off my net and get more serious about this whole creating and blogging and promoting/marketing and selling thing. I mean, I love to create/sew bags and the like and I really enjoy selling them. I could use the money. So, here I am, blogging.

I HAVE created a few things. I'll be posting about those things, including pics. We all love pics. And I'll also post pics about some of my recent finds at my local thrifts and garage sales.

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