Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Started off Mothers Day at church with my church family. Then home to sew on my VesTotes, four of them. Had taken the vests apart Saturday night. Got all four put together and they look great.

Then off to Mom's where the whole famn damily gathered (except for MHN as he's still in Ecuador). MHNNL grilled burgers and hot dogs. Sister and MBN had all the fixins' prepared. We topped off our meal with strawberry shortcake. Yum. Best of all, though, we had a wonderful time visiting and catching up on "What's new with you?"  We all live within 15-20 miles of one another, but everyone's busy and we don't get together as often as we'd like. So, when we do, we have to make it count. It was great fun.

MBD posted some pics on Facebook that are so cool. Her and I when she was just a toddler. And one of the Chisam girls (from left to right Me, Mom, Sister; Mema seated). Don't you just love the hair!

Photo: Mom, Nonny, Aunt Judy and Memaw. Happy Mothers Day to the Chisam ladies!!
Photo: Happy Mothers Day! Thank you for everything. I love you.

Oh my Gosh! I look 12 in the pic of MBD and I.  Well, I was 12 when she was born! :) (NOT)

Okay. Back to the present. Speaking of presents. I received a lovely card and a VISA gift card from MSH; a sewing book from MBMD2 and hubby; a bracelet "The Story of Jesus" from MBMD1 and hubby; a hibiscus plant from MBD, MHSNL, MBGD and MHGS; and a phone call from MHMS.

The book is by THREADS and has more information than I can ever use (but I'm gonna try). The bracelet is awesome, comes with a card that shows you how to tell the Gospel with the beads in the bracelet.

And the hibiscus is already planted in my huge planter; gorgeous orange flowers.

Wonderful day. Wonderful family. Wonderful life. Thanks be go GOD.

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