It's here! The August edition of GREENCRAFT MAGAZINE, it's here. The one that my VesTote was to be featured in, in the Gallery section. I've been so excited about this. I came home yesterday whispering, "Let it be here. Let it be here." And, lo and behold, it was.

I flipped to the back of the magazine for the gallery section, starting from the back. And turned page after page until, there it was. On the FIRST page of the Gallery section. FIRST page. A FULL page. FULL page. The photo is fantastic. The write-up mine, what I sent in, but in third person. Yaaaaaay! And then . . .
Murphy's Law strikes again. For the contact info it says,
KC Miller * Fort Collins, CO
From huge excitement to huge disappointment in milliseconds. I knew any chance of getting anyone to my Artfire shop from seeing my VesTote in the magazine is all but nil. And, of course, I'd told everyone I knew about it, so embarrassed, too.
But the good news -- well, the next good news, because making the magazine in the first place and getting a full page and the first page of the Gallery section was pretty good news -- I'll get another go at it because -- drum roll, please --
My Tee Leaves (bookmarks) will be in the From the Bin section of the November issue of GREENCRAFT MAGAZINE. Keep your fingers crossed. Say prayers. That this time it'll all be correct.

To cover my bases, I emailed and bcc'd the editor at the magazine so she'd know what happened. I explained to Cheryl (whose article and creations are awesome, by the way) what had happened and asked that if she gets any inquiries about the VesTote (which the magazine hyphenated, BTW), if she would forward them to me. She agreed, saying she would be happy to help out a fellow Miller. Her name is Cheryl Miller. Miller. Now I kind of understand how it happened. I figure that someone queried Miller when filling in contact info, and hers came up before mine. Drat.
Anyway, it's in there. It's beautiful. It's a full page. It's the first page of the Gallery section and it did refer in the body of the write-up that "she decided to offer them for sale at her website, yayamade." So, hopefully if anyone is interested, they'll go to on which I have given the link to my shop at We'll see.