I've spent the last two days -- well, just part of each day -- junkin.
First, on Friday with BFF Ruth in Galveston. We made it to the Salvation Army thrift store, which is in the process of moving to another location, which means SALE. Then to the RCC (Resource Crisis Center) resale store on Tremont. We also made it to the RCC store in Texas City. It was on the way home, after all. We also enjoyed a yummy lunch at Millers on the Seawall. It was a lovely day. Beautiful weather and fun girl time. I found a couple of jackets and a top for me. But the best buys of all were the yellow suspenders which are printed like a measuring tape, which I will reinforce with a woven fabric or ribbon and use as purse handles; and an almost complete 18-yard roll of burlap trim for a mere 75 cents, also to be used as handles and trim on one or more of the jean purses that are in the works. I love bargains. Ruth made out like a bandit, too, with some jackets and a cute, cute tweed skirt.

Then on Saturday, off junkin' again with BFF Sue. We made the shops closer to home: the DAV (Disabled American Veterans) Thrift Store in Alvin, Carley's Resale (new on our beat) in Friendswood, Hope Village Thrift Shop in Friendswood and finally the RCC shop in League City.
At the DAV I found, of all things, a tan suede western fringed skirt for western days at the dance club and anywhere else I can dress cowgirl; also I scored a pair of purse handles for next to nothing. I love those buys. I bought jewelry at Carley's, a jacket at Hope Village and another jacket at RCC. Sue all but shopped 'til she dropped and went home with tons of goodies for herself and family and friends. Oooh. What a frugally fun day we had.
And laugh. I haven't laughed so much in ages. I didn't realize how much I had missed girl-time until I had megadoses of it this week. Besides all the junkin' with girlfriends, I enjoyed GNO (Girl's Night Out) with fourteen other women from St Christopher; we all dined together at the Olive Garden Friday night. My spirit is renewed. God certainly knew what he was doing when he improved on his creation and made women.
So, here's some good advice for you girls out there. If you're feeling down, lonely, just not your normal cheery self, treat yourself to a megadose of girl time. GNO can cure any number of ills.